

Schwendimann, B. A. (2011). Mapping biological ideas: Concept maps as knowledge integration tools for evolution education. [Dissertation]. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley: ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

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Peer-reviewed publications

Brägger, M. & Schwendimann B.A. Entwicklung der Arbeitszeitbelastung von Lehrpersonen in der Deutschschweiz in den letzten zehn Jahren. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11553-021-00835-y.

Schwendimann B.A. & Späth M. Unzureichende Rahmenbedingungen für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation der Schule. Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung des Dachverbands Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz. Journal für Schulentwicklung. 2020; 4: 39-43

Schwendimann B.A. Funktionsdifferenzierung und Laufbahnentwicklung im Lehrberuf: Eine Perspektive der Berufsverbände. Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (BzL). 2021;28:292-304.

Schwendimann B.A. Entstehung und Bedeutung des Berufsleitbilds und der Standesregeln des LCH für die Diskussion berufsethischer Fragen des Lehrpersonenhandelns. Beträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (BzL). 2019;37:393-400.

Schwendimann, B.A., Kappeler, G., Mauroux, L. & Gurnter, J.-L., (2018). What makes an online learning journal powerful for VET? Distinguishing productive usage patterns and effective learning strategies. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training (ERVET), Vol.10, Issue 9. See article here

Schwendimann, B.A., De Wever, B., Hämäläinen, R., and Cattaneo, A.A.P. (2018). The State-of-the-Art of Collaborative Technologies for Initial Vocational Education: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET), Vol. 5, Issue 1, April 2018, 19-41. DOI: 10.13152/IJRVET.5.1.2. See article here.

Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Prieto, L.P., Vozniuk, A., Boroujeni, M.S., Schwendimann, B.A., Holzer, A. and Gillet, D. (2017). Monitoring, awareness and reflection in blended technology enhanced learning: a systematic review. Int. J. Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3, pp.126–150. See article here.

Schwendimann, B.A., Rodriguez-Triana, M. J., Vozniuk, A., Prieto Santos, L. P., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Holzer, A., Gillet, D., & Dillenbourg, P. (2016). Perceiving learning at a glance: A systematic literature review of learning dashboard research. IEE transactions on learning technologies journal. doi: 10.1109/TLT.2016.2599522. See article here.

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016). Distinguishing knowledge integration gains in evolution education through concept map network analysis. In Proceedings of the 7th international concept mapping conference.

Schwendimann, B. A., Rodriguez-Triana, M. J., Vozniuk, A., Prieto Santos, L. P., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Holzer, A. C., Gillet, D., & Dillenbourg, P. (2016). Understanding learning at a glance: An overview of learning dashboard studies. In International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) conference. See article here.

Schwendimann, B. A., Cattaneo, A. A. P., Dehler Zuffrey, J., Gurtner, J. -L., Bétrancourt, M., & Dillenbourg, P. (2015). The 'Erfahrraum': A pedagogical model for designing educational technologies in dual vocational systems. Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET). doi:10.1080/13636820.2015.1061041. See article here.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2015). Concept maps as versatile tools to integrate complex ideas: From kindergarten to higher and professional education. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: Special Issue on Novakian Concept Mapping in University and Professional Education, 7(1), 73-99. See article here.

Schwendimann, B. A., & Linn, M. C. (2015). Comparing two forms of concept map critique activities to facilitate knowledge integration processes in evolution education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 4. doi:DOI 10.1002/tea.2124. See article here. [Selected as a finalist for the NSTA Research Worth Reading Award 2017].

Mauroux, L., Schwendimann, B. A., & Gurtner, J.-L. (2015). Reflective learning journals: A way to foster apprentices’ reflection on workplace experiences and their appropriate use for learning. 16th biennual EARLI conference for research on learning and instruction. Limassol, Cyprus.

Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Cuendet, S., Lucignano, L., Schwendimann, B. A., & Dillenbourg, P. (2015).Screen or Tabletop: An Eye-Tracking Study of the Effect of Representation Location in a TUI Learning System. 10th European conference on technology enhanced learning (EC-TEL). Toledo, Spain.

Uddin, S., Thompson, K., Schwendimann, B., & Piraveenan, M. (2014). The impact of study load on the dynamics of longitudinal email communications among students. Computers & Education, 72, 209-219. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.11.00

Lucignano, L., Cuendet, S., Schwendimann, B. A., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., & Dillenbourg, P. (2014). My hands or my mouse: Comparing a tangible and graphical user interface using eye-tracking data. In Proceedings of Fablearn 2014. Stanford University, USA: Fablearn Conference

Schwendimann, B. A. (2014). Multi-level analysis strategy to make sense of concept maps. In Proceedings of the sixth international conference on concept mapping. International conference on concept mapping. Santos (Brazil). See presentation here. See paper here (PDF). See video here.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2014). Comparing two forms of concept map critique activities to support knowledge integration in biology education. In Proceedings of the sixth international conference on concept mapping. International conference on concept mapping. Santos (Brazil). See presentation here. See paper here (PDF) and a concept map summary here (Cmap).

Schwendimann, B. A. (2013). Collaboratively generating and critiquing technology-enhanced concept maps to improve evolution education. In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Madison, WI.

Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K., & Schwendimann, B. A. (2012). Unpacking traces of collaboration from multimodal data of collaborative concept mapping at a tabletop. An interactive teacher’s dashboard for monitoring groups in a multi-tabletop learning environment . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Sydney (Australia).

Martinez Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K., & Schwendimann, B. A. (2012). An interactive teacher’s dashboard for monitoring groups in a multi-tabletop learning environment . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Sydney (Australia).

Martinez Maldonado, R., Yacef, K., Kay, J. & Schwendimann, B. A. (2012). An interactive teacher’s dashboard for monitoring multiple groups in a multi-tabletop learning environment. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Chania. Crete.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2011). Distinguishing evolution ideas through two different forms of collaborative critique-focused concept mapping activities. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Hong Kong, China.

Barth-Cohen, L., Schwendimann, B. A., Chiu, J., Berson, E., King Chen, J., Swanson, H. (2010). Towards a taxonomy of explanations in science education. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Chicago, IL.

Short essays in peer-reviewed Journals

Schwendimann, B.A. (2018). Quality Mentoring. Science, 5 Oct 2018, 362 (6410). DOI: 10.1126/science.aav5914. See article here

Schwendimann, B.A. (2018). Education for the Future. Science, 360 (6396), 1409. DOI: 10.1126/science.aau3877. See article here

Schwendimann, B.A. (2018). NextGen VOICES: Research resolutions. Science, 359 (6371), 28. DOI: 10.1126/science.aar7504. See article here

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016). Measures of success. Science, 01 Apr 2016, 352 (6281), DOI: 10.1126/science.352.6281.28

Schwendimann, B. A. (2015). LBS101: The joy of science. Science, 347 (6217), 24

Schwendimann, B. A. (2012). Successful scientists excel on multiple levels. Science, 336

Hammerfald, K., Schwendimann, B. A., Ehlert, U., & Gaab, J. (2003). Associations between general stress susceptibility and cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress. American Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(1).

Book Chapters

Schwendimann B.A. (2019) Concepts Maps as Versatile Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Tools. In: Spector M., Lockee B., Childress M. (eds) Learning, Design, and Technology. Springer, Cham.

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016). Critiquing as an alternative to generating concept maps to support knowledge integration processes. Innovating with Concept Mapping. Springer. A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.).

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016). Comparing expert and novice concept map construction through a talk-aloud protocol. Innovating with Concept Mapping. Springer. Cañas, A. Cañas, P. Reiska, & J. Novak (Eds.). Springer.

Goodyear, P., Ashe, D., Carvalho, L., Schwendimann, B. A., Parisio, M., Parker, P., . . . Yeoman, P. (2015). Analysing the structural properties of learning networks. In Y. Mor & B. Craft (Eds.), Art and Science of Learning Design.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2014). Concept mapping. In R. Gunstone (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science Education. Springer.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2014). Making sense of Knowledge Integration Maps. In D. Ifenthaler & R. Hanewald (Eds.), Digital knowledge maps in education: Technology enhanced support for teachers and learners. Springer.

Parker, P., Schwendimann, B. A., & Thompson, K. (2013). Synaptic Leap. In P. Goodyear & L. Carvalho (Eds.), The architecture of productive learning networks. Routledge.

Clark, D., Sampson, V., Chang, H., Zhang, H., Tate, E., & Schwendimann, B. A. (2011). Research on critique and argumentation from the technology enhanced learning in science center. In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Perspectives on scientific argumentation: Theory, practice and research (pp. 157-201). Springer

Articles in non-refereed journals

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016) REALTO - La plate-forme pour la formation professionelle connectée. Résonances.

Schwendimann, B. A., Gurtner, J. L., Cattaneo, A., & Dillenbourg, P. (2015). Theorie und Praxis durch innovative Technologien zusammenführen. Qualität. Retrieved from

Conference Presentations

International Conferences

Schwendimann, B. A. & Shirvani Boroujeni, M. (2016). “REALTO teacher dashboard to support the integration of school and workplace experiences”. Workshop on “Real-Time Visualization of Student Activities to Support Classroom Orchestration” (ICLS) Singapore, June 23 2016.

Caruso, V., Furlan, N., Cattaneo, A., Schwendimann, B. A., & Gurtner, J-L. (2016). Conceptions on (web-based) learning documentations in the Swiss VET system: a study across professions. 8th EARLI SIG 14 International Conference, Regensburg, Germany.

Furlan, N., Caruso, V., Schwendimann, B.A., Cattaneo, A., Gurtner, J.-L., & Dillenbourg, P. (2016). Learning journals as mediating objects to crossing educational boundaries. Conference of the Swiss Society for Research on Education (SGBF) 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Schwendimann, B. A., (2015). Presentation at the annual meeting of the 'Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften' (DGfE), Zürich, Sept 7 2015.

Mauroux, L., Schwendimann, B. A., & Gurtner, J.-L. (2015). Presentation at the 16th biennial conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.

Lucignano, L., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Cuendet, S., Schwendimann, B., Dehler, J, & Dillenbourg, P. (2014). Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément: How tangible does an interface need to be? Conference on VET research. Bern, Switzerland.

Schwendimann, B. A., (2013). Presentation at the 10th International conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Early career workshop, Madison, WI. 2013.

Schwendimann, B. A., (2012). Presentation at the 10th International conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Early career workshop, Sydney (Australia). 2012.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2011). Learning evolution through collaborative critique-focused concept mapping. In 9th international conference on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Hong Kong, China

Schwendimann, B. A. (2011). Integrating genotypic and phenotypic ideas of evolution through critique-focused concept mapping. In AERA annual meeting 2011. New Orleans, LA.

Schwendimann, B. A., (2010). Presentation at the 9th International conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Doctoral consortium, Chicago. 2010.

Schwendimann, B. A., (2010). Presentation at AERA Division C Graduate Student Seminar, Denver, CO. 2010.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2009). Critiquing concepts maps for a more coherent understanding of biology. In Annual meeting of the national association for research in science teaching (NARST). Anaheim, CA.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2009). Scaffolding an integrated understanding of biology through dynamic visualizations and critique-focused concept mapping. In Annual meeting of the american education research association (AERA). San Diego, CA.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2008). Scaffolding an interactive dynamic model to promote coherent connections in high school biology. In Annual meeting of the american education research association (AERA). New York, NY.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2007). Integrating interactive genetics visualizations into high school biology. Annual meeting of american educational research association (AERA).

Hammerfald, K., Schwendimann, B. A., Ehlert, U., & Gaab, J. (2003). Associations between general stress susceptibility and cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress. American Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(1).

Hammerfald, K., Schwendimann, B. A., Ehlert, U., & Gaab, J. (2003, March). Associations between general stress susceptibility and cortisol responses to acute psychosocial stress. American psychosomatic society's 61st. Annual scientific meeting. Phoenix, AZ.

National Conference Presentations

Schwendimann, B.A., Gurtner, J.-L., & Cattaneo, A. (2016). REALTO, an innovative web-based environment to foster reflective learning across vocational learning locations - Findings from past experiences and perspectives for the future. Swiss Forum for Skills Development and International Cooperation. Zollikofen, Switzerland

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016). REALTO - the platform for integrated vocational education. SEFRI Herbsttagung on VET. Bern, Switzerland.

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016). Integrating workplace and school knowledge through the online platform REALTO. Conference on VET research. Basel, Switzerland.

Furlan, N., Caruso, V, Schwendimann, B.A., Cattaneo, A., Gurtner, J.-L. & Dillenbourg, P. (2016). Learning journals as mediating objects to cross educational boundaries. Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE). Fribourg, Switzerland.

Lucignano, L., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Cuendet, S., Schwendimann, B. A., Dehler, J, & Dillenbourg, P. (2014). Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément: How tangible does an interface need to be? EDIC open house. Lausanne, Switzerland. EPFL.

Schwendimann, B. A., & Ashe, D. (2011). Designing the educational design research studio. Learning technology research fest. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2009). Integrating genotypic and phenotypic ideas of evolution through structured critique-focused concept mapping. UC Berkeley graduate school of education research day. Berkeley, CA.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2008). Promoting a coherent systemic view in high school biology through scaffolded dynamic models. UC Berkeley graduate school of education research day. Berkeley, CA.

Gaab, J., Schwendimann, B. A., & Ehlert, U. (2000). Psychological determinants of the cardiovascular and endocrine stress response’. Center for neurosciences symposium. Zurich, Switzerland.

Conference Symposia and Workshops Organization

Schwendimann, B.A. & Jelitto, C. (2016). Workshop on Design and Implementation of a digital solution for VET. Olten, Switzerland.

Hämäläinen, R., Schwendimann, B.A., & Cattaneo, A. A. P. (2015) Tutorial on CSCL in Vocational Education and Training (VET): The current critical state and future solutions. Bi-annual conference on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Gothenburg, Sweden.

Martinez, R., Dillenbourg, P., Slotta, J., Tissenbaum, M., Schwendimann, B. A., Clayphan, A., Ackad, C. (2012). Symposium on Digital Ecosystems for Collaborative Learning: Embedding Personal and Collaborative Devices to Support Classrooms of the Future (DECL). Bi-annual conference of the International Community of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Sydney, Australia.

Schwendimann, B. A. & Williams, M. (2011). Symposium on progress in learning science through technology-enhanced models. Annual meeting of american educational research association (AERA). New Orleans, LA.

Invited Talks

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016, December 5). University of Luxembourg. “Connecting ideas through collaborative visual artefacts in innovative technology-enhanced learning environments in secondary schools.”

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016, April 21). National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technical University. Singapore. "Designing and assessing technology-enhanced knowledge map for learning and teaching".

Schwendimann, B.A. (2016, April 14-15). UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical Training and Vocational Education. Bonn (Germany).

Lucignano, B., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., & Schwendimann, B. A. (2014, October 27). Talk at GSE colloquium "Innovative Technologies for Vocational Education". University of California, Berkeley

Schwendimann, B. A., Shirvani Boroujeni, M. & Lucignano, L. (2014, April 8). Online presentation in course "Instructional Design and Technology in STEM Education". Developing technology for vocational education and training. University of Miami, Florida.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2013, March 4). Zentrale Zusammenhänge der Biologie sichtbar machen – eine Learning Sciences Perspektive. Universität Zürich. [See presentation online here]

Schwendimann, B. A. (2012, November 6). Job searching strategies for science education researchers. Institute for Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education (IISME) at The University of Sydney. [See presentation online here]

Schwendimann, B. A. (2012, August 15). Why is evolution so hard to understand? Insights from implementing a human evolution case study in a technology-enhanced learning environment. Institute for Innovation in Science & Mathematics Education (IISME) at The University of Sydney. [See presentation online here]

Schwendimann, B. A. (2012, June 13). Concept maps as knowledge integration tools for evolution education. CoCo research seminar. The University of Sydney. [See presentation online here]

Schwendimann, B. A. (2009, April 20). Online presentation for science teacher credential students about education technology design. Georgia State University teacher credential program. Georgia State University.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2004, April 7). Panelist at symposium on education for gifted children in Switzerland. Teacher workshop Kantonsschule Buelach (Switzerland).

Schwendimann, B. A. (2001, April 19). Panelist at symposium on the mindscouts project for gifted children. Swiss conference on giftedness (WINGS). Basel (Switzerland).


Schwendimann, B.A., Lucignano, L., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Furlan, N., Caruso, V., Gurtner, J.-L., Cattaneo, A., & Dillenbourg, P. (2016). Leading House DUAL-T annual report. EPFL.

Schwendimann, B.A., Lucignano, L., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Furlan, N., Caruso, V., Gurtner, J.-L., Cattaneo, A., & Dillenbourg, P. (2015). Leading House DUAL-T annual report. EPFL.

Schwendimann, B.A., Lucignano, L., Shirvani Boroujeni, M., Furlan, N., Caruso, V., Gurtner, J.-L., Cattaneo, A., & Dillenbourg, P. (2014). Leading House DUAL-T annual report. EPFL.

Schwendimann, B. A. (2013). Designing a Design Studio for Collaborative Educational Activities. The University of Sydney. [Get PDF here]

Schwendimann, B. A. (2009). Evaluation of middle school environmental science online learning tutorial. Time To Know, Inc.

Grant Writing

MINT grant proposal "Innovative learning technologies to improve spatial abilities of learners in MINT disciplines". PI: Pierre Dillenbourg (2014)

SEED grant proposal "Charles Perkins Centre (CPC) Research and Education Hub: Evaluating experiences in new learning spaces". (2013)

NSF grant proposal GK12 „BioEnergy, Genomics, Informatics Explorations“. Doe Joint Genome Institute. PI: Cheryl Kerfeld. (2010)

NSF grant proposal “Teaching Evolution for the 21st Century: Using Modern Methods and Real Data to Enhance Student Learning“ Department for Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley. PI: Prof. Wayne Sousa. (2009, 2010)

NSF grant proposal “VISUAL: Visualizing to Integrate Science Understanding for All Learners“. UC Berkeley. PI: Prof. Marcia Linn. (2009)

Wikipedia articles

Schwendimann, B. A. (2014, December 10). Mindscouts. [Website]. Retrieved from Wikipedia:

Manuscripts in Preparation, Under Review, or in Press

Schwendimann, B. A. (2016). Human lactose intolerance as a pivotal case for evolution education. Science Education.

Schwendimann, B.A., Kappeler, G., Mauroux, L., Kindińsky, L., & Gurtner, J.-.L. (2016). Scaffolding metacognitive reflection on workplace experiences: Predicting learning outcomes from online learning journal usage patterns. Metacognition & Learning.

Schwendimann, B.A., Kindińsky, L., Kappeler, G., Mauroux, L.,& Gurtner, J.-.L. (2016). Longitudinal analysis framework for self- reflection in online learning journals. ERVET journal.

Schwendimann, B.A., de Wever, B., Hämäläinen, R. & Cattaneo, A. (2016). A systematic literature review of computer-supported collaborative learning in VET contexts. IJCSCL

Chiu, J., Barth-Cohen, L., Goldwasser, L., King Chen, J., Schwendimann, B., Swanson, H., & White, B. (2016). The anatomy of an explanation: Characterizing strategies, purposes and structure of scientific explanations

Furlan, N., Schwendimann, B., & Gurtner, J.-L. (2016). Transfer of learning within Vocational Education – On the Role of different Partners. Journal of Education and Work.

Caruso, V., Furlan, N., Cattaneo, A., Schwendimann, B.A., & Gurtner, J-L. (2016). Conceptions on (web-based) learning documentations in the Swiss VET system: a study across professions. Paper submitted to the 8th EARLI SIG 14 International Conference, Regensburg, Germany.